POST Submit Order

Submits an order to the POS for final processing and finalizes it in the system.

URI template


Request Information

URI Parameters

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
storeIdentifier integer


The store to send the command to

addOrderOptions AddOrderOptions

Default value is None

Additional options for order processing

timeout integer

Default value is 30000

The timeout for this command, in milliseconds

Body Parameters

The inbound order object

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
Customer Customer


Customer placing the Order

Guests Collection of Guest


Guest information of the order

Items Collection of Item


Items for the Order

Tenders Collection of Payment


Tenders applied to the order

Promos Collection of Promo


Promos applied to the Order

Comps Collection of Comp


Comps applied to the Order

ReferenceNumber long


An optional OutOrder identifier for tracking use by external applications

ExternalOrderId string


An optional free-form order identifier use by external applications

OrderTime date


Date and time order was placed

PrepTime integer


Amount of time in minutes needed to
prepare the order

DriveTime integer


Amount of time in minutes needed to deliver the order to the customer

PromiseDateTime date


Date and time that the customer can expect the order to be ready.

OrderSource OrderSourceType


Indicates where an OutOrder originated from

Destination string


Order destination

SourceId string


The source id

DestinationId string


The destination id

OrderMode OrderModeType


Mode of the order

OverrideModeCharge decimal number


Allows the amount of the order mode
charge applied to the order to be specified
externally. Overrides order mode
charge calculated by the POS or ATO.

Status OrderStatus


Status of the Order.
For future orders, the Status element should be set to “InDelay”. New Immediate orders should omit this element.

AutoSendToKitchen boolean


For InDelay orders, this dictates whether the system will automatically send the order to the kitchen at the prescribed time (if true),
or whether the order must be manually sent by user action at the site (if false)
If not present this is defaulted to true, which was the original behavior

TaxExempt boolean


Indicates that this order should be tax
exempt. The associated customer record
at the site must have a tax exempt id
assigned to it for the order to be

EstimatedSubTotal decimal number


Not currently used

EstimatedTax decimal number


Used to indicate the tax that the external
system estimates will be applied. If this
value is specified and the actual tax is
more, then a “tax credit” tender will be
applied to cover the difference.

SpecialInstructions string


Special instructions for the order

CheckedIn boolean


Indicates whether the order has been checked in at the site

CheckInSummary string


All available check in information concatenated into one field

CheckInApplication string


Name of the application used to initiate the check in event

CheckInOriginType string


Simple description of the hardware/software situation the above application/system used to originate the event

CheckInOriginId string


If applicable, a specific number of the origin type above to help identify it

CheckInVectorType string


If applicable, a predefined physical or logical target for the behavior defined around the check in action.

CheckInVectorId string


If applicable, a specific number of the Vector Type above to help identify it

CheckInIntent string


Specifies actions to be taken by the in store software.
This acts as more of a verb whereas the Vector is more the object of that verb (Application and Origin would be the noun in this metaphor). Example intents are: DriveThru, Pickup, DineIn

AutoRelease boolean


Indicates whether the order should auto release at the future order release window

PartySize integer


Indicates the number of people who will be served by this order

ReleaseAwaitingDeposit boolean


If set to true on a future order, the order
will not be auto-released until the final
deposit for the order is added

AssignAlohaLoyalty boolean


If set to true, ATO will assign any loyalty merits/rewards to the customer's
Aloha Loyalty account. If false, it will not.

SiteInformation SiteInformation


Optional SiteInformation element

KitchenStatus KitchenStatus


The status of the order in the kitchen

LaneIdentifier string


Identifies which lane an order is intended for in a multilane drive-through

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

  "AttemptId": "b9704a4b-9427-42e7-9d0b-9d80287cb447",
  "OrderId": 2,
  "Customer": {
    "$id": "2",
    "ExtraAddresses": [
        "$id": "3",
        "AddressId": 1,
        "AddressType": 0,
        "AddressLine1": "sample string 1",
        "AddressLine2": "sample string 2",
        "City": "sample string 3",
        "State": "sample string 4",
        "Postal": "sample string 5",
        "Country": "sample string 6",
        "BusinessName": "sample string 7",
        "AddressNotes": "sample string 8",
        "IsDefault": true,
        "DepartmentName": "sample string 10"
        "$ref": "3"
    "Vehicle": {
      "$id": "4",
      "Make": "sample string 1",
      "Model": "sample string 2",
      "Color": "sample string 3"
    "CustomFields": [
      "sample string 1",
      "sample string 2"
    "CustomerId": 1,
    "ReferenceId": 1,
    "FirstName": "sample string 1",
    "LastName": "sample string 2",
    "EMail": "sample string 3",
    "LoyaltyCardNumber": "sample string 4",
    "TaxId": "sample string 5",
    "Notes": "sample string 6",
    "VoicePhone": "sample string 7",
    "VoicePhoneExtension": "sample string 8",
    "PhoneType": 0,
    "AddressLine1": "sample string 9",
    "AddressLine2": "sample string 10",
    "City": "sample string 11",
    "State": "sample string 12",
    "Postal": "sample string 13",
    "AddressNotes": "sample string 14",
    "AddressType": 0,
    "SaveAddress": true,
    "BusinessName": "sample string 15",
    "DepartmentName": "sample string 16"
  "Guests": [
      "$id": "5",
      "ItemIds": [
      "Number": 1,
      "Name": "sample string 1"
      "$ref": "5"
  "Items": [
      "$id": "6",
      "ItemId": 1,
      "SubItems": [
          "$ref": "6"
          "$ref": "6"
      "ReferenceId": 2,
      "PosItemId": 3,
      "ModCodeId": 4,
      "SourceModifierGroupId": 5,
      "Name": "sample string 6",
      "PreciseQuantity": 8.0,
      "Price": 9.0,
      "UseTakeOutPrice": true,
      "Message": "sample string 11"
      "$ref": "6"
  "Tenders": [
      "$id": "7",
      "ExpirationDate": "sample string 1",
      "ZipCode": "sample string 2",
      "SecurityCode": "sample string 3",
      "ProtectionId": "sample string 4",
      "TenderId": "sample string 5",
      "EncryptedCardNumber": "sample string 6",
      "P2PECombo": 0,
      "PaymentMethodType": 0,
      "AccountNumber": "sample string 8",
      "PayBalance": true,
      "Amount": 10.0,
      "Tip": 11.0,
      "PreAuthorize": true,
      "DepositTenderType": null,
      "WalletType": 0,
      "WalletId": "sample string 14",
      "ProcessingType": 0,
      "CardNumberMasked": "sample string 15"
      "$ref": "7"
  "Promos": [
      "$id": "8",
      "ItemSelections": [
          "$id": "9",
          "GroupId": 1,
          "ItemReferenceIds": [
          "$ref": "9"
      "IdentifierData": "sample string 1",
      "GuestCount": 2,
      "PromoId": 3,
      "Amount": 4.0
      "$ref": "8"
  "Comps": [
      "$id": "10",
      "ItemSelections": [
          "$ref": "9"
          "$ref": "9"
      "CompId": 1,
      "Rate": 2.0,
      "Amount": 3.0
      "$ref": "10"
  "ReferenceNumber": 3,
  "ExternalOrderId": "sample string 4",
  "OrderTime": "2025-01-23T03:33:33.4915723+00:00",
  "PrepTime": 5,
  "DriveTime": 6,
  "PromiseDateTime": "2025-01-23T03:33:33.4915723+00:00",
  "OrderSource": 0,
  "Destination": "sample string 8",
  "SourceId": "sample string 9",
  "DestinationId": "sample string 10",
  "OrderMode": 0,
  "OverrideModeCharge": 1.0,
  "Status": 0,
  "AutoSendToKitchen": true,
  "TaxExempt": true,
  "EstimatedSubTotal": 13.0,
  "EstimatedTax": 14.0,
  "SpecialInstructions": "sample string 15",
  "CheckedIn": true,
  "CheckInSummary": "sample string 17",
  "CheckInApplication": "sample string 18",
  "CheckInOriginType": "sample string 19",
  "CheckInOriginId": "sample string 20",
  "CheckInVectorType": "sample string 21",
  "CheckInVectorId": "sample string 22",
  "CheckInIntent": "sample string 23",
  "AutoRelease": true,
  "PartySize": 25,
  "ReleaseAwaitingDeposit": true,
  "AssignAlohaLoyalty": true,
  "SiteInformation": {
    "$id": "11",
    "OnlineCompanyCode": "sample string 1",
    "OnlineSiteId": "sample string 2"
  "KitchenStatus": 0,
  "LaneIdentifier": "sample string 28"

application/xml, text/xml

<InOrder xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <AssignAlohaLoyalty xmlns="">true</AssignAlohaLoyalty>
  <AutoRelease xmlns="">true</AutoRelease>
  <AutoSendToKitchen xmlns="">true</AutoSendToKitchen>
  <CheckInApplication xmlns="">sample string 18</CheckInApplication>
  <CheckInIntent xmlns="">sample string 23</CheckInIntent>
  <CheckInOriginId xmlns="">sample string 20</CheckInOriginId>
  <CheckInOriginType xmlns="">sample string 19</CheckInOriginType>
  <CheckInSummary xmlns="">sample string 17</CheckInSummary>
  <CheckInVectorId xmlns="">sample string 22</CheckInVectorId>
  <CheckInVectorType xmlns="">sample string 21</CheckInVectorType>
  <CheckedIn xmlns="">true</CheckedIn>
  <Destination xmlns="">sample string 8</Destination>
  <DestinationId xmlns="">sample string 10</DestinationId>
  <DriveTime xmlns="">6</DriveTime>
  <EstimatedSubTotal xmlns="">13</EstimatedSubTotal>
  <EstimatedTax xmlns="">14</EstimatedTax>
  <ExternalOrderId xmlns="">sample string 4</ExternalOrderId>
  <KitchenStatus xmlns="">None</KitchenStatus>
  <LaneIdentifier xmlns="">sample string 28</LaneIdentifier>
  <OrderMode xmlns="">None</OrderMode>
  <OrderSource xmlns="">None</OrderSource>
  <OrderTime xmlns="">2025-01-23T03:33:33.4915723+00:00</OrderTime>
  <OverrideModeCharge xmlns="">1</OverrideModeCharge>
  <PartySize xmlns="">25</PartySize>
  <PrepTime xmlns="">5</PrepTime>
  <PromiseDateTime xmlns="">2025-01-23T03:33:33.4915723+00:00</PromiseDateTime>
  <ReferenceNumber xmlns="">3</ReferenceNumber>
  <ReleaseAwaitingDeposit xmlns="">true</ReleaseAwaitingDeposit>
  <SiteInformation xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="">
    <d2p1:OnlineCompanyCode>sample string 1</d2p1:OnlineCompanyCode>
    <d2p1:OnlineSiteId>sample string 2</d2p1:OnlineSiteId>
  <SourceId xmlns="">sample string 9</SourceId>
  <SpecialInstructions xmlns="">sample string 15</SpecialInstructions>
  <Status xmlns="">None</Status>
  <TaxExempt xmlns="">true</TaxExempt>
      <Amount xmlns="">3</Amount>
      <CompId xmlns="">1</CompId>
      <Rate xmlns="">2</Rate>
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
      <Amount xmlns="">3</Amount>
      <CompId xmlns="">1</CompId>
      <Rate xmlns="">2</Rate>
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
    <AddressLine1 xmlns="">sample string 9</AddressLine1>
    <AddressLine2 xmlns="">sample string 10</AddressLine2>
    <AddressNotes xmlns="">sample string 14</AddressNotes>
    <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType>
    <BusinessName xmlns="">sample string 15</BusinessName>
    <City xmlns="">sample string 11</City>
    <CustomerId xmlns="">1</CustomerId>
    <DepartmentName xmlns="">sample string 16</DepartmentName>
    <EMail xmlns="">sample string 3</EMail>
    <FirstName xmlns="">sample string 1</FirstName>
    <LastName xmlns="">sample string 2</LastName>
    <LoyaltyCardNumber xmlns="">sample string 4</LoyaltyCardNumber>
    <Notes xmlns="">sample string 6</Notes>
    <PhoneType xmlns="">None</PhoneType>
    <Postal xmlns="">sample string 13</Postal>
    <ReferenceId xmlns="">1</ReferenceId>
    <SaveAddress xmlns="">true</SaveAddress>
    <State xmlns="">sample string 12</State>
    <TaxId xmlns="">sample string 5</TaxId>
    <VoicePhone xmlns="">sample string 7</VoicePhone>
    <VoicePhoneExtension xmlns="">sample string 8</VoicePhoneExtension>
    <CustomFields xmlns:d3p1="">
      <d3p1:string>sample string 1</d3p1:string>
      <d3p1:string>sample string 2</d3p1:string>
        <AddressId xmlns="">1</AddressId>
        <AddressLine1 xmlns="">sample string 1</AddressLine1>
        <AddressLine2 xmlns="">sample string 2</AddressLine2>
        <AddressNotes xmlns="">sample string 8</AddressNotes>
        <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType>
        <BusinessName xmlns="">sample string 7</BusinessName>
        <City xmlns="">sample string 3</City>
        <Country xmlns="">sample string 6</Country>
        <DepartmentName xmlns="">sample string 10</DepartmentName>
        <IsDefault xmlns="">true</IsDefault>
        <Postal xmlns="">sample string 5</Postal>
        <State xmlns="">sample string 4</State>
        <AddressId xmlns="">1</AddressId>
        <AddressLine1 xmlns="">sample string 1</AddressLine1>
        <AddressLine2 xmlns="">sample string 2</AddressLine2>
        <AddressNotes xmlns="">sample string 8</AddressNotes>
        <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType>
        <BusinessName xmlns="">sample string 7</BusinessName>
        <City xmlns="">sample string 3</City>
        <Country xmlns="">sample string 6</Country>
        <DepartmentName xmlns="">sample string 10</DepartmentName>
        <IsDefault xmlns="">true</IsDefault>
        <Postal xmlns="">sample string 5</Postal>
        <State xmlns="">sample string 4</State>
      <Color xmlns="">sample string 3</Color>
      <Make xmlns="">sample string 1</Make>
      <Model xmlns="">sample string 2</Model>
      <Name xmlns="">sample string 1</Name>
      <Number xmlns="">1</Number>
      <ItemIds xmlns:d4p1="">
      <Name xmlns="">sample string 1</Name>
      <Number xmlns="">1</Number>
      <ItemIds xmlns:d4p1="">
    <Item z:Id="i1" xmlns:z="">
      <Message xmlns="">sample string 11</Message>
      <ModCodeId xmlns="">4</ModCodeId>
      <Name xmlns="">sample string 6</Name>
      <PosItemId xmlns="">3</PosItemId>
      <PreciseQuantity xmlns="">8</PreciseQuantity>
      <Price xmlns="">9</Price>
      <Quantity xmlns="">7</Quantity>
      <ReferenceId xmlns="">2</ReferenceId>
      <SourceModifierGroupId xmlns="">5</SourceModifierGroupId>
      <UseTakeOutPrice xmlns="">true</UseTakeOutPrice>
        <Item z:Ref="i1" />
        <Item z:Ref="i1" />
    <Item z:Ref="i1" xmlns:z="" />
      <Amount xmlns="">4</Amount>
      <GuestCount xmlns="">2</GuestCount>
      <IdentifierData xmlns="">sample string 1</IdentifierData>
      <PromoId xmlns="">3</PromoId>
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
      <Amount xmlns="">4</Amount>
      <GuestCount xmlns="">2</GuestCount>
      <IdentifierData xmlns="">sample string 1</IdentifierData>
      <PromoId xmlns="">3</PromoId>
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
          <GroupId xmlns="">1</GroupId>
          <ItemReferenceIds xmlns:d6p1="" xmlns="">
      <AccountNumber xmlns="">sample string 8</AccountNumber>
      <Amount xmlns="">10</Amount>
      <CardNumberMasked xmlns="">sample string 15</CardNumberMasked>
      <DepositTenderType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <DepositTenderTypeString xmlns="">sample string 13</DepositTenderTypeString>
      <PayBalance xmlns="">true</PayBalance>
      <PaymentMethodType xmlns="">None</PaymentMethodType>
      <PaymentMethodTypeString xmlns="">sample string 7</PaymentMethodTypeString>
      <PreAuthorize xmlns="">true</PreAuthorize>
      <ProcessingType xmlns="">CreditCard</ProcessingType>
      <Tip xmlns="">11</Tip>
      <WalletId xmlns="">sample string 14</WalletId>
      <WalletType xmlns="">Unknown</WalletType>
      <EncryptedCardNumber>sample string 6</EncryptedCardNumber>
      <ExpirationDate>sample string 1</ExpirationDate>
      <ProtectionId>sample string 4</ProtectionId>
      <SecurityCode>sample string 3</SecurityCode>
      <TenderId>sample string 5</TenderId>
      <ZipCode>sample string 2</ZipCode>
      <AccountNumber xmlns="">sample string 8</AccountNumber>
      <Amount xmlns="">10</Amount>
      <CardNumberMasked xmlns="">sample string 15</CardNumberMasked>
      <DepositTenderType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <DepositTenderTypeString xmlns="">sample string 13</DepositTenderTypeString>
      <PayBalance xmlns="">true</PayBalance>
      <PaymentMethodType xmlns="">None</PaymentMethodType>
      <PaymentMethodTypeString xmlns="">sample string 7</PaymentMethodTypeString>
      <PreAuthorize xmlns="">true</PreAuthorize>
      <ProcessingType xmlns="">CreditCard</ProcessingType>
      <Tip xmlns="">11</Tip>
      <WalletId xmlns="">sample string 14</WalletId>
      <WalletType xmlns="">Unknown</WalletType>
      <EncryptedCardNumber>sample string 6</EncryptedCardNumber>
      <ExpirationDate>sample string 1</ExpirationDate>
      <ProtectionId>sample string 4</ProtectionId>
      <SecurityCode>sample string 3</SecurityCode>
      <TenderId>sample string 5</TenderId>
      <ZipCode>sample string 2</ZipCode>

Response Information

Resource Description

A FormattedOrderResponse

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
ApiResult StoreApiResponse


The result returned by the Api

UpdatedOrder OutOrder


The updated Order returned by the POS

NewSuggestedTime date


Set when the attempt to fulfill the Order at the specified PromiseTime would exceed the set Capacity for the restaurant. Only set in a Submit Order call

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "UpdatedOrder": {
    "$id": "2",
    "OrderId": 0,
    "OrderNumber": 0,
    "SequenceNumber": 0,
    "FirstSentToKitchenTime": null,
    "LastSentToKitchenTime": null,
    "FirstBumpTime": null,
    "LastBumpTime": null,
    "FirstPaymentTime": null,
    "LastPaymentTime": null,
    "DispatchTime": null,
    "FulfilledTime": null,
    "ClosedTime": null,
    "ModeCharge": 0.0,
    "SubTotal": 0.0,
    "DiscountTotal": 0.0,
    "Tax": 0.0,
    "PaymentTotal": 0.0,
    "Total": 0.0,
    "Tendered": false,
    "DriverId": 0,
    "Customer": {
      "$id": "3",
      "DeliveryZone": null,
      "ExtraAddresses": null,
      "Vehicle": null,
      "CustomerId": 0,
      "ReferenceId": 0,
      "FirstName": "",
      "LastName": "",
      "EMail": null,
      "LoyaltyCardNumber": "",
      "TaxId": "",
      "Notes": "",
      "VoicePhone": "",
      "VoicePhoneExtension": null,
      "PhoneType": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "",
      "AddressLine2": "",
      "City": "",
      "State": "",
      "Postal": "",
      "AddressNotes": null,
      "AddressType": 0,
      "SaveAddress": false,
      "BusinessName": "",
      "DepartmentName": ""
    "Items": [],
    "FailedItems": [],
    "Tenders": [],
    "Promos": [],
    "Comps": [],
    "Guests": [],
    "ReferenceNumber": 0,
    "ExternalOrderId": null,
    "OrderTime": null,
    "PrepTime": 0,
    "DriveTime": 0,
    "PromiseDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "OrderSource": 0,
    "Destination": null,
    "SourceId": null,
    "DestinationId": null,
    "OrderMode": 0,
    "OverrideModeCharge": null,
    "Status": 0,
    "AutoSendToKitchen": false,
    "TaxExempt": false,
    "EstimatedSubTotal": 0.0,
    "EstimatedTax": 0.0,
    "SpecialInstructions": null,
    "CheckedIn": false,
    "CheckInSummary": null,
    "CheckInApplication": null,
    "CheckInOriginType": null,
    "CheckInOriginId": null,
    "CheckInVectorType": null,
    "CheckInVectorId": null,
    "CheckInIntent": null,
    "AutoRelease": false,
    "PartySize": 0,
    "ReleaseAwaitingDeposit": false,
    "AssignAlohaLoyalty": false,
    "SiteInformation": null,
    "KitchenStatus": 0
  "NewSuggestedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "ApiResult": {
    "$id": "4",
    "TransactionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "ResultMessage": "Success"

application/xml, text/xml

<FormattedOrderResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ApiResult xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="">
  <UpdatedOrder xmlns:d2p1="">
    <AssignAlohaLoyalty xmlns="">false</AssignAlohaLoyalty>
    <AutoRelease xmlns="">false</AutoRelease>
    <AutoSendToKitchen xmlns="">false</AutoSendToKitchen>
    <CheckInApplication i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInIntent i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInOriginId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInOriginType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInSummary i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInVectorId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInVectorType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckedIn xmlns="">false</CheckedIn>
    <Destination i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <DestinationId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <DriveTime xmlns="">0</DriveTime>
    <EstimatedSubTotal xmlns="">0</EstimatedSubTotal>
    <EstimatedTax xmlns="">0</EstimatedTax>
    <ExternalOrderId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <KitchenStatus xmlns="">None</KitchenStatus>
    <LaneIdentifier i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <OrderMode xmlns="">None</OrderMode>
    <OrderSource xmlns="">None</OrderSource>
    <OrderTime i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <OverrideModeCharge i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <PartySize xmlns="">0</PartySize>
    <PrepTime xmlns="">0</PrepTime>
    <PromiseDateTime xmlns="">0001-01-01T00:00:00</PromiseDateTime>
    <ReferenceNumber xmlns="">0</ReferenceNumber>
    <ReleaseAwaitingDeposit xmlns="">false</ReleaseAwaitingDeposit>
    <SiteInformation xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <SourceId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <SpecialInstructions i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <Status xmlns="">None</Status>
    <TaxExempt xmlns="">false</TaxExempt>
    <d2p1:ClosedTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Comps />
      <AddressLine1 xmlns=""></AddressLine1>
      <AddressLine2 xmlns=""></AddressLine2>
      <AddressNotes i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType>
      <BusinessName xmlns=""></BusinessName>
      <City xmlns=""></City>
      <CustomerId xmlns="">0</CustomerId>
      <DepartmentName xmlns=""></DepartmentName>
      <EMail i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <FirstName xmlns=""></FirstName>
      <LastName xmlns=""></LastName>
      <LoyaltyCardNumber xmlns=""></LoyaltyCardNumber>
      <Notes xmlns=""></Notes>
      <PhoneType xmlns="">None</PhoneType>
      <Postal xmlns=""></Postal>
      <ReferenceId xmlns="">0</ReferenceId>
      <SaveAddress xmlns="">false</SaveAddress>
      <State xmlns=""></State>
      <TaxId xmlns=""></TaxId>
      <VoicePhone xmlns=""></VoicePhone>
      <VoicePhoneExtension i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <d2p1:DeliveryZone i:nil="true" />
      <d2p1:ExtraAddresses i:nil="true" />
      <d2p1:Vehicle i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DispatchTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FailedItems />
    <d2p1:FirstBumpTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FirstPaymentTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FirstSentToKitchenTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FulfilledTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Guests />
    <d2p1:Items />
    <d2p1:LastBumpTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:LastPaymentTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:LastSentToKitchenTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Promos />
    <d2p1:Tenders />