Response codes returned by the FormattedOrder-related api endpoints
Possible enumeration values:
Name | Value | Description |
GeneralFailureAtSite |
-1012 |
Unspecified failure at the site |
CommandExtensionsDisabled |
-1011 |
CommandExtensions are disabled |
VersionNotAvailable |
-1010 |
The version is not available |
ProxyNotInitialized |
-1009 |
Proxy is not initialized |
RdfConnectFailure |
-1008 |
Failure with the Rdf connection |
GeneralFailure |
-1007 |
GeneralFailure |
InvalidResponse |
-1006 |
The response is invalid |
InvalidCommand |
-1005 |
The command is invalid |
OutputDecryptionFailure |
-1004 |
Failure during decryption of the output, or improperly decrypted output |
OutputEncryptionFailure |
-1003 |
Failure during encryption of the output, or improperly encrypted output |
InputDecryptionFailure |
-1002 |
Failure during decryption of the input, or improperly decrypted input |
InputEncryptionFailure |
-1001 |
Failure during encryption of the input, or improperly encrypted input |
KeyExchangeFailure |
-1000 |
Failure to exchange keys |
ServerCommandSizeError |
-603 |
Error related to ServerCommand size |
StoreCommandSizeError |
-602 |
Error related to StoreCommand size |
CommunicationException |
-601 |
A communication exception occurred |
RequestTimedOut |
-600 |
Request timed out |
InvalidSiteForCompany |
-501 |
Invalid site for company |
RDFAgentSiteDown |
-500 |
RDFAgent or the Site is down |
CheckInTimeOutsideReleaseTimeWindow |
-61 |
Operation cannot be performed because the check-in time is outside of the configured release window time. |
InvalidTenderAmount |
-60 |
Operation can not be performed because the amount supplied is invalid for the type of tender due to rounding. |
PreAuthorizationFailed |
-59 |
Not supported in ATO (added for RPOS). Order will not be submitted / stored due to authorization failure of one or more PreAuthorized tenders. |
InvalidDeposit |
-58 |
Operation can not be performed because the deposit ID supplied is not found or not associated with the given order ID. |
InvalidDriverState |
-57 |
Operation can not be performed because of the driver state. |
OversizedPayment |
-56 |
The payment amount supplied exceeds the maximum allowed for this operation. |
NegativePaymentAmount |
-55 |
Negative Payment amounts are not allowed for this operation. |
InvalidOrderState |
-54 |
Operation can not be performed because of the order state. |
OrderAlreadyCheckedIn |
-53 |
Order is in a checked-in state. |
NoPaymentInformation |
-52 |
No payment information on order. |
PaymentFailure |
-51 |
Failed to apply payment to the order. |
ModeCapacityNotInForce |
-50 |
Capacity restrictions have not been configured for the specified order mode. |
InvalidOrderMode |
-49 |
Order mode supplied to the requested operation is not valid. |
ItemCapacityExhausted |
-48 |
The configured item capacity for the targeted time slot has been exhausted. |
OrderCapacityExhausted |
-47 |
The configured order capacity for the targeted time slot has been exhausted. |
NoLoyaltyIdOnFile |
-46 |
Indicates that the guest does not have a loyalty id associated with their profile. |
NoTaxIdOnFile |
-45 |
Indicates that the guest does not have a tax id associated with their profile. |
DriverDoesNotExist |
-44 |
Specified driver does not exist in the ATO system. |
CheckIsClosed |
-43 |
Specified check is closed in POS system. |
PaymentVoidFailure |
-42 |
Failed to void a payment on the check. |
CheckNotFound |
-41 |
Indicates the associated check does not exist in the POS. |
PosInterfaceNotFunctioning |
-40 |
Interface between ATO and the POS is not currently in a working state. |
CustomerHasPendingOrders |
-39 |
Specified customer has active orders in the ATO system. |
CustomerDoesNotExist |
-38 |
Specified customer does not exist in the ATO system. |
CustomerAlreadyExists |
-37 |
The customer being added already exists in the ATO system. |
NoHouseAccountOnFile |
-36 |
Indicates that the guest does not have a house account associated with their profile. |
FailedParentItem |
-35 |
Indicates that the parent item for the associated modifier failed to be injected. |
FailedModifier |
-34 |
Indicates that at least one modifier failed to be applied to the associated parent item. |
UnavailableItem |
-33 |
Item is not currently available. |
ModifierRequirementNotMet |
-32 |
Item is missing required modifiers. |
ModifierNotAllowed |
-31 |
Item modifier is not allowed for given item. |
InvalidModifier |
-30 |
Item modifier does not exist |
InvalidItem |
-29 |
Item does not exist. |
AlreadyOrdered |
-28 |
Order has already been sent to the kitchen. |
OrderNotFound |
-27 |
Specified order does not exist. |
NotLicensed |
-26 |
The calling application is not licensed to use the API. |
PosInterfaceLockFailure |
-25 |
Failed to acquire a lock on the POS interface. |
ClockInFailure |
-24 |
Failed to clock-in on the point-of-sale system. |
LoginFailure |
-23 |
Failed to log into the point-of-sale system. |
ObjectDeserializeFailure |
-22 |
Failed to deserialize a data object. |
ObjectSerializeFailure |
-21 |
Failed to serialize a data object for transmission. |
NullParameterFailure |
-20 |
A null parameter was passed to a method that does not allow null values. |
FutureOrderCreationFailure |
-19 |
Failed to create a future order record within the TakeOut system. |
OrderRemovalFailure |
-18 |
Failed to remove an order from the point-of-sale system. This may be a temporary order that was needed to create a future order. |
CheckCreationFailure |
-17 |
Failed to create a check for the order in the point-of-sale system. |
GuestValidationFailure |
-16 |
Failed to add new guest or validate existing guest. |
KeyGenerationFailure |
-15 |
Failed to generate the RSA key pair for data protection. |
GeneralException |
-14 |
General unhandled exception occurred in the method call. Examine ResultDetail object for details on the service exception. |
InvalidParameter |
-13 |
A supplied parameter to an API method is invalid. |
InvalidOrder |
-12 |
The order specified does not exist. |
ProtectionFailure |
-11 |
The operation failed due to an inability to protect sensitive data, such as a credit card number. |
PartialListFailure |
-10 |
A TakeOut interface method that operates on a list of objects failed on one or more objects. Examine the list of ResultDetail objects to determine which objects failed. |
XmlParseFailure |
-9 |
Failure occurred while trying to parse an xml stream. |
InvalidServiceActivator |
-8 |
Service activator is null. |
CommunicationException |
-7 |
Service call threw a communication exception. Examine ResultDetail object for details on the communication exception. |
ServiceCallException |
-6 |
Service call threw an exception. Examine ResultDetail object for details on the service exception. |
ServiceCallFailure |
-5 |
The service call failed to complete the operation successfully. |
ServiceUnavailable |
-4 |
Requested TakeOut service is not available. |
NotInitialized |
-3 |
The TakeOut interface has not been initialized. |
ConfigError |
-2 |
An error occurred while attempting to load the configuration settings. |
Failure |
-1 |
Operation encountered an unspecified error. |
Success |
0 |
No error |
ItemVoided |
1 |
Item has been voided. |
Error |
2 |
General error |
InvalidResponseFromStore |
3 |
Unable to get a valid response from the store |
StoreIdentifierMissing |
100 |
A storeIdentifier is required but was invalid or not provided |
OrderRequired |
104 |
An order is required but was not provided |
PaymentInfoRequired |
106 |
Payment information must be passed to this request |
UnknownException |
126 |
An unknown exception has occurred |
InvalidParameters |
701 |
Parameters were invalid |
BadRequest |
702 |
Bad Request |
AccessDenied |
703 |
Access Denied due to invalid credentials |
CloudConnectAuthorizationError |
708 |
CloudConnect could not authorize |
CloudConnectHeaderMissing |
709 |
Cloud Connect header was missing from request |
PaymentServiceIdHeaderMissing |
710 |
PaymentServiceId header was missing from request |
BasicAuthorizationHeaderMissing |
711 |
Basic Authorization header was missing from request |
RequiredHeadersMissing |
712 |
Required headers for this call were missing |